Thursday, November 29, 2012

Books anyone?

I'm kind of weird about reading. Whenever someone asks me "do you like to read" my usual response is "Well, I know how to read, so that's good right". Lately, however, I've really enjoyed reading. Is this a sign of premature aging? If it is, I'm okay with that. I just finished Bossypants by Tina Fey in a record two and one half days! There were pictures so that definitely helped a lot. The only other books I've read in less than a week were The Berenstain Bears and Good Night Moon. Anyways, my intentions behind this post are to solicit book recommendations and finally make Levar Burton proud of me! If you know of any good books, fiction or nonfiction, please let me know!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Jessie! I have sooo many good books you could read. They are all fiction and most are fantasy, but very enjoyable. We just need to have you take a look at my shelf!
